Ordinary Members of IOSCO

Showing 21 to 40 of 132 results

  1. British Virgin Islands

    British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission

    P.O. Box 418
    Pasea Estate
    Road Town
    British Virgin Islands

    Tel: (1 284) 494 1324-4190
    Fax: (1 284) 494 9399
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.bvifsc.vg/

    Mr. Stephen Grayson, Director, Legal
    Mr. Kenneth Baker, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
  2. Brunei

    Brunei Darussalam Central Bank

    Level 14, Ministry of Finance Building
    Commonwealth Drive
    Bandar Seri Begawan BB 3910
    Negara Brunei Darussalam

    Tel: (673 2) 384 626
    Fax: (673 2) 383 787
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.bdcb.gov.bn

    Mrs. Hajah Rokiah Haji Badar, Managing Director
  3. Bulgaria

    Financial Supervision Commission

    16 Budapeshta Str.
    1000 Sofia

    Tel: (359 2) 940 4999 , (359 2) 940 4582
    Fax: (359 2) 829 4324
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fsc.bg/

    Mr. Boyko Atanasov, Chairperson
  4. Cabo Verde

    Auditoria Geral do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, Banco Central of Cabo Verde

    Av. Amilcar Cabral, n. 27
    C.P.-101 Praia
    Cabo Verde

    Tel: (238) 260 7000
    Fax: (238) 260 7079
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.bcv.cv

    Ms. Ana Cristina Lopes Semedo, General Audit
  5. Cayman Islands

    Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

    P.O. Box 10052
    Grand Cayman
    Cayman Islands

    Tel: (1 345) 949 7089
    Fax: (1 345) 946 4230
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cima.ky

    Mrs. Cindy Scotland, OBE, Chief Executive Officer
  6. Central Africa

    Commission de Surveillance du Marché Financier de l'Afrique Centrale (Securities and Exchange Commission of Central Africa)

    PO. BOX : 1724
    Gabonese Republic

    Tel: (241) 07 53 12 67 , (241) 01 74 75 91
    Fax: (241) 01 74 75 88
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cosumaf.org

    Ms. Danielle Bunduku-Latha, Secretary General
  7. Chile

    Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Financial Market Commission)

    Avda. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449 Torre I
    Piso 12
    834-0518 Santiago de Chile

    Tel: (56 2) 2617 4000
    Fax: (56 2) 2617 4401
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cmfchile.cl

    Mrs. Solange Berstein, Chairwoman
  8. China

    China Securities Regulatory Commission*

    Focus Place
    19, Jin-Rong Street
    Xicheng District
    Beijing 100033

    Tel: (86 10) 8806 1000
    Fax: (86 10) 6621 0118
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/csrc_en/

    Mr. Wuqing, Chairman
  9. Colombia

    Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

    Calle 7 Nº 4-49
    Oficina Despacho Superintendente
    Bogotá, D.C

    Tel: (57 601) 5940 200
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.superfinanciera.gov.co

    Mr. Cesar Ferrari, Superintendente Financiero de Colombia
  10. Costa Rica

    Superintendencia General de Valores

    Edificio ODM - Banco Central de Costa Rica.
    Avenida 13 y 17, calle 3a, Barrio Tournón.
    San José
    Costa Rica

    Tel: (506) 243 4700
    Fax: (506) 243 4646
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.sugeval.fi.cr/

    Sr. Tomás Soley Pérez, Superintendente General de Valores
  11. Croatia, Republic of

    Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency

    Ulica Franje Račkoga 6
    10000 Zagreb

    Tel: (385 1) 6173 200
    Fax: (385 1) 4811 406
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.hanfa.hr/

    Mr. Ante Žigman, President of the Board
    Ms. Aleksandra Bojanić, Analyst Specialist – Team Coordinator
  12. Cyprus

    Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

    Diagorou 19, 1097 Nicosia
    P.O. Box 24996, 1306 Nicosia

    Tel: (357) 2250 6600
    Fax: (357) 2250 6700
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cysec.gov.cy/

  13. Czech Republic

    Czech National Bank

    Na Prikope 28
    115 03 Prague 1
    Czech Republic

    Tel: (420) 224 412 248
    Fax: (420) 224 414 230
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cnb.cz/en/index.html/

    Mr. Karel Juráš, Head of International Co-operation Unit
    Mr. Vojtech Belling, Executive Director, Financial Market Regulation and International Co-Operation Department
  14. Denmark

    Danish Financial Supervisory Authority

    Aarhusgade 110
    2100 Copenhagen

    Tel: (45) 3355 8282
    Fax: (45) 3355 8200
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.finanstilsynet.dk/

    Mr. Jesper Berg, Director General
  15. DIFC, Dubai

    Dubai Financial Services Authority*

    Level 13, The Gate
    P. O. Box 75850

    Tel: +971 4 362 1500
    Fax: +971 4 362 0801
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.dfsa.ae

    Mr. Ian Johnston, Chief Executive
  16. Dominican Republic

    Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores

    Av. César Nicolás Pénson No. 66
    Santo Domingo
    Dominican Republic

    Tel: (1 809) 221 4433
    Fax: (1 809) 686 1854
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.simv.gob.do

    Mr. Ernesto Bournigal Read, Superintendent
  17. Ecuador

    Superintendencia de Compañías, Valores y Seguros

    Av. 9 de Octubre 200 y Pichincha. Piso 13 Guayaquil

    Tel: (593 4) 372 85 00 Ext: 2100
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.supercias.gob.ec

    Mr. Luis Alberto Cabezas-Klaere, Superintendente de Compañías, Valores y Seguros
  18. Egypt

    Financial Regulatory Authority*

    Smart Village,
    Building no. B-136
    Postal Code: 12577

    Tel: (20 2) 35345350
    Fax: (20 2) 53570030
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fra.gov.eg/

    Dr. Mohamed Farid Saleh, Executive Chairman
  19. El Salvador

    Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero

    Calle El Mirador, entre 87 y 89 Av. Norte
    Edificio Torre Futura, Nivel 16
    San Salvador
    El Salvador

    Tel: (503) 2268 5700 , (503) 2133 2900
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.ssf.gob.sv

    Mrs. Evelyn Marisol Gracias, Superintendente del Sistema Financiero
  20. Estonia


    Sakala 4
    150 30 Tallinn

    Tel: (372) 6680 500
    Fax: (372) 6680 501
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fi.ee/

    Mr. Kilvar Kessler, Chairman
    (Management Board of Finanical Supervision Authority)

* Member of the IOSCO Board