Ordinary Members of IOSCO

Showing 41 to 60 of 132 results

  1. Finland

    Financial Supervision Authority

    Snellmaninkatu 6 and Rauhankatu 19
    P.O. Box 103
    FIN-00101 Helsinki

    Tel: (358 9) 183 51
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/

    Mrs. Armi Taipale, Head of Department, Capital Markets Supervision
  2. France

    Autorité des marchés financiers*

    17 place de la Bourse
    75082 Paris, Cedex 02

    Tel: (33 1) 53 45 60 00
    Fax: (33 1) 53 45 61 00
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.amf-france.org/

    Ms. Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani, Chair
  3. Georgia

    National Bank Of Georgia

    2 Sanapiro St.
    0114 Tbilisi

    Tel: (995 32) 240 6120
    Fax: (995 32) 240 6577
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.nbg.ge/

    Ms. Ekaterine Mikabadze, Vice-Governor, National Bank of Georgia
    Mr. David Abesadze, Head of Capital Market Supervision Department
  4. Germany

    Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht*

    Marie-Curie-Straße 24 – 28
    60439 Frankfurt am Main

    Tel: (49) 228 4108 – 0 (Switchboard)
    Fax: (49) 228 4108 123 (Frankfurt) , (49) 228 4108 – 1550 (Bonn)
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.bafin.de/

    Mr. Mark Branson, President
  5. Ghana

    Securities and Exchange Commission

    No. 30, 3rd Circular Road

    Mailing Address:

    Post Office Box CT 6181
    Cantonments, Accra

    Tel: (233 030) 276 8970 , (233 030) 276 8971 , (233 030) 276 8972
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.sec.gov.gh

    Dr. James Klutse Avedzi, Acting Director General
  6. Gibraltar

    Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

    PO Box 940
    Suite 3, Ground Floor
    Atlantic Suites
    Europort Avenue

    Tel: (350) 200 40283
    Fax: (350) 200 40282
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fsc.gi/

    Ms. Heidi Bocarisa, Director of Specialist Regulation
  7. Greece

    Hellenic Capital Market Commission*

    3-5 Ippokratous Street,
    10679 Athens

    Tel: (30 210) 337 7216
    Fax: (30 210) 337 7210
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.hcmc.gr/

    Dr. Vasiliki Lazarakou, Chairperson
    Mrs. Vassiliki Koularmani, Director of International Relations, Directorate of International Relations
  8. Guernsey

    Guernsey Financial Services Commission

    Glategny Court
    Glategny Esplanade
    St. Peter Port
    GY1 3HQ

    Tel: (44 1481) 712 706
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.gfsc.gg/

    Mrs. Gillian Browning, Director of the Investment, Fiduciary and Pension Division
  9. Hong Kong

    Securities and Futures Commission*

    54/F, One Island East
    18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
    Hong Kong

    Tel: (852) 2231 1222
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: https://www.sfc.hk/web/EN/index.html

    Ms. Julia Leung, Chief Executive Officer
  10. Hungary

    Magyar Nemzeti Bank (The Central Bank of Hungary)

    1013 Budapest
    Krisztina krt. 55.

    Tel: (36 1) 428 2600
    Fax: (36 1) 429 8000
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.mnb.hu/

    Mr. Gergő Szeniczey, Executive Director, Consumer Protection and Market Supervision
  11. Iceland

    The Central Bank of Iceland

    Kalkofnsvegi 1,
    101 Reykjavík

    Tel: +354 569 9600
    Fax: +354 569 9605
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.cb.is/

    Mr. Ásgeir Jónsson, Governor
    Björk Sigurgísladóttir, Deputy Governor for Financial Supervision
  12. India

    Securities and Exchange Board of India*

    SEBI Bhavan
    Plot No. C-4A
    Bandra Kurla Complex
    Mumbai 400 051

    Tel: (91 22) 2644 9000
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.sebi.gov.in/

    Ms. Madhabi Puri Buch, Chairperson
  13. Indonesia

    Indonesia Financial Services Authority

    Gedung Soemitro Djojohadikusumo Building
    Jalan Lapangan Banteng Timur Number 2-4
    Jakarta 10710

    Tel: (62 21) 83704963
    Fax: (62 21) 83704963
    Internet: https://www.ojk.go.id/en/Default.aspx

    Mr. Mahendra Siregar, Chairman
  14. Iran

    Securities and Exchange Organization

    Omid Bldg., Motahari and Ghaem-Magham Intersection
    Tehran 1586995411

    Tel: (98 21) 886 796 60-2
    Fax: (98 21) 886 795 36
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://en.seo.ir

    Dr. Hojatollah Saydi, Chairman
  15. Ireland

    Central Bank of Ireland*

    New Wapping Street
    North Wall Quay
    Dublin 1

    Tel: (353 1) 224 4000
    Fax: (353 1) 224 5500
    Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.centralbank.ie/

    Ms. Derville Rowland, Deputy Governor, Consumer and Investor Protection
  16. Isle of Man

    Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

    P.O. Box 58
    Finch Hill House
    Bucks Road
    IM99 1DT
    Isle of Man

    Tel: (44 1624) 689 300
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.iomfsa.im

    Ms. Bettina Roth, Chief Executive
  17. Israel

    Israel Securities Authority

    22 Kanfe Nesharim Street
    Jerusalem 95464

    Tel: (972 2) 655 6555
    Fax: (972 2) 651 3646
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.isa.gov.il/

    Mr. Offir Eyal, Director of International Affairs and Business Development Department
  18. Italy

    Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa*

    Via G.B. Martini 3
    00198 Roma

    Tel: (39 06) 8477 1 (Switchboard) , (39 06) 8477 381 (Int. Aff.)
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.consob.it/

    Mr. Paolo Savona, Chairman
  19. Jamaica

    Financial Services Commission

    39-43 Barbados Avenue
    Kingston 5

    Tel: (1 876) 906 3010-2 , (1 876) 906 7264-6
    Fax: (1 876) 906 3018
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fscjamaica.org/

    Lieutenant Colonel Keron Burrell, Executive Director
  20. Japan

    Financial Services Agency*

    3-2-1, Kasumigaseki
    Tokyo 100-8967

    Tel: (81 3) 3506 6205
    Email: [email protected]
    Internet: http://www.fsa.go.jp/

    ARIIZUMI Shigeru, Vice Minister for International Affairs

* Member of the IOSCO Board